Getting Started…

I like checking out what’s on the technology buffet!  There are deep technical professionals in every technology, but I am not one of them.  On the other hand I can program in well over a dozen languages.  I’ve tried just about every framework on for size.  I like user experience design talk-throughs and assembly language.

So I like to say that I belly up to the tech buffet pretty regularly and see what looks good.  I buy a book, install the software and work through a few hundred pages of the examples to try it on for size.

Every time I do this I start a document in a GitHub repository and I take a bunch of notes along the way.  However, these notes never end up in one place so years go by, I change laptops and I don’t ever take the time to curate my treasured notes from one machine to the next and I lose those chunks of helpful hints.

Therefore, I decided to use my domain to start a blog where I walk through a technology book and offer the little hints that don’t seem to be explained quite right in the text.

Full Speed Ahead!!!