Docker in Action – Scavenger Hunt

I’m working my way through Docker in Action by Jeff Nickoloff, and I love the scavenger hunt he puts together for chapter 3. I’ve read LOTS of computer texts and this is the first scavenger hunt that I have seen.

Cool approach!

Spoiler Alert Follows

The basic concept is that he has you run an interactive Docker container that asks for a password which you don’t have. Then you must search through the Docker Hub site for the book looking for the which docker contain to run in order to get the password.

The object lesson in all of this is to learn how to search to find software you may want to use.

When you do find the right “mystery” container it returns a long string of text that is the password you enter. There’s no $Million Dollar prize, but it is still a novel and entertaining way to introduce Docker Hub.

Getting Started…

I like checking out what’s on the technology buffet!  There are deep technical professionals in every technology, but I am not one of them.  On the other hand I can program in well over a dozen languages.  I’ve tried just about every framework on for size.  I like user experience design talk-throughs and assembly language.

So I like to say that I belly up to the tech buffet pretty regularly and see what looks good.  I buy a book, install the software and work through a few hundred pages of the examples to try it on for size.

Every time I do this I start a document in a GitHub repository and I take a bunch of notes along the way.  However, these notes never end up in one place so years go by, I change laptops and I don’t ever take the time to curate my treasured notes from one machine to the next and I lose those chunks of helpful hints.

Therefore, I decided to use my domain to start a blog where I walk through a technology book and offer the little hints that don’t seem to be explained quite right in the text.

Full Speed Ahead!!!